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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Miss Brill and Weezer!

Somebody said all the worlds is stage,
And each of us is a player.
That’s what I’ve been tryin to tell you.
In Act 1 I was struggling to survive.
Nobody wanted my action dead or alive.
Act 2, I hit the big time.
And bodies be all up on my behind.
And I can’t help myself because I was born to shine.
And if you don’t like it, you can shove it.
But you don’t like it, you love it.
So I’ll be up here in a rage,
’Til they bring the curtain down on the stage --Weezer "The Greatest Man That Ever LIved"

This story reminded me of this song because Miss Brill says"They were all on stage. They weren't only the audience, not only looking on; they were acting." (Page 185)Miss Brill is a lonely old woman. She travels into town on sundays to see the band play and people-watch. She feels moved to tears when she sees the routine that she and the people around her have created. I think she is mostly emotional because she says that if she did not show she would be missed because she is one of the actors. Miss brill feels like she belongs. However, this allusion is shattered when a young couple make fun of her and her fur scarf/coat that she is so proud of. She was acting so that she would feel included and so that she felt beautiful and needed. Miss Brill's "fourth wall" is shattered by the young couple and she returns home and puts her scarf back in the box. This story was very sad. Everyone wants to feel like they belong and those who do belong often are oblivious to how much of an impact they can have on those in need.


  1. I love that song! It's sort of like Weezer's version of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody."

  2. agreed! with the different styles of music, its cool
