Did you like the book The Things They Carried?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


(Page 3) "I can still see Hassan up on that tree, sunlight flickering through the leaves on his almost perfectly round face, a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood: his flat, broad nose,narrow eyes like bamboo leaves."
The author exersices many uses of characterization in the bigging of the book. He describes characters appearances and personalities. This is known as direct characterization and speaks clearly to the audience informing them of important information about the characters and their relationship in perspective to the plot. Further more the author goes on to tell us background information about the charcters. This includes the death of Amir's mother, Hassan's mother, and the relationship between hassan and Amir as well as Baba and Ali. This keys the reader into why the character makes certain choices that influence the out come of the story. The author also allows us to fully understand the characters through their actions and behavior towards each other. Hassan takes care of Amir and cares for him dearly. This is clear through his servatude, friendship, and defense. Baba finds Amir to be a disapintment. This is clear through Baba's avoidance and frustration. This characterization puts the charcters personality and past into action and lets the reader decide what they truly think about the character.

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