Did you like the book The Things They Carried?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


There is a movie that has just come out in the past year called "Splice". In this movie, two scientists create a kind of clone out of genetic studies etc. When the clone is first created, they are disgusted and scared of their creation. They don't fully comprehend what they have created and if they even should have. Through the story there is a debate over weather this is moral or not. In the end the clone kills them all (sorry spoiler). This story is very similar to Frankenstien. HE is disgusted with his creation. Weather it be over morals or appearance, it is unsure. (another spoiler!) ALso similar is that Frankenstiens creation kills his loved ones. The Splice movie was like a modern day Frankenstien with some really weird sci-fi twists. In both stories the scientists feel responible for their creations. This is a theme of the book.

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